Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Saturday computer tells me it is 12:45pm and I'm still sitting in bed. Thank goodness for laptops. Last night I went to see a new show at the Unicorn Theatre with my friends Teri Adams and Jerry Jay Cranford in it called rightnextto me. Yes, I typed that right. It's the new piece by Gregg Coffin who wrote the show Convenience that I did a couple years ago. They were both great! There's some really excellent music in the show. He writes some really cool melodies and his style is really cool. Since this is the world premiere, there some stuff that needs some refining I sure, but it's a really interesting show and I'm anxious to see where it goes.

I went to the show with my friend Dana (he's Jerry Jay's partner). We had a great time. He took me to a cool new resaurant called Mixx which makes these amazing salads. Then we went to the show then out for drinks afterwards. A good time was had by all. And by "good time", I mean Kettle One, dirty, on the rocks. Yum.

That's it for me. Time to drag my ass out of bed and finish my home improvement project du jour. I'm putting a new floor in my mudroom. Should be finished today! I'm tired of living in a construction site. If I get the floor done, I might put my new window in my attic. We'll see. It's kind of chilly.

Don't forget...two weeks from today is my birthday.  I'll be as old as Jesus.

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