The end of the contract was great. Pretty much went off without a hitch. Getting off the ship, however was a nightmare. It took HOURS! Then....they only booked a tiny little bus for the 70 or so people signing off, so Gary and I said screw it and hopped a cab to the airport. It was the best $20 I ever spent.
It seemed only appropriate that the second I step off the boat, the first thing I see is this....

Yep....the Medical Examiner was waiting to take a body off the ship. Apparently someone bit it during the cruise. People are surprised to know that people die on the ship all the time. Probably one a cruise or so. At least once a month. You gotta figure....2000 people floating around the ocean with an average age of 65? It's bound to happen. I don't usually have to see the van to offload them, though. Apparently there's room for 6 in the cooler in the medical center. So get a bigger room if you're dead than when you're alive. Go figure.
On the UP side....when I arrived in Omaha, my mommy had made me all my favorite things for dinner. It was SOOOOOOO great having a real Nebraska steak. I missed them so. My friend Anne-Marie takes pictures of delicious food. Don't ask me. I think it's weird, but I guess it's a British thing. Anyway....I had my mom take this to make A-M jealous.

So...I stayed in Omaha a few days, then ventured down home to KC. Since my niece and her husband had moved out, my house had been vacant for about a month, so it was a little musty when I arrived, but it is now all cleaned up and aired out and finally feeling like home again. I've started right back in on projects of course. I spent ALL day today cleaning out my basement. Again. Still more to be done, but it's coming along.
I started rehearsals at the American Heartland Theatre for a farce called PERFECT WEDDING. It's the usual story....groom wakes up on wedding day with the wrong woman and the best man (that's me) tries to create a story to cover it up. Add a wedding dress, four slamming doors, and one toilet brush....and hilarity ensues. It's going quite well. The cast is full of very funny people, so that's making it fun. I haven't done a play (for those of you non-theatre types, that's a show without music) in seriously 10 years. Crazy. So many lines!
Well...that's it for me. I must get some sleep as I have reahearsal tomorrow. I'll try to blog more, but since I'm home, my life doesn't seem nearly as interesting. And if it bores me, I can't imagine what it's doing to you.
P.S. I'm addicted to online poker. Damn you, Jimmy!
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