So...upon looking back, it seems as though it's been nearly three months since my last blog. I thought I should quick get one in before it is actually three months. You know...when you're traveling the world it seems you have lots to report on. When I'm just hanging out at home in KC, it seems not as exciting.'s the latest.
A TUNA CHRISTMAS was a great experience. Pretty much everything I had wanted it to be. It was a show I'd wanted to do for some time and getting to do it with Jim J. was great. I can't imagine a better partner for that piece. I really hope we get the chance to do it again sometime. Here's a picture of my Christmas card this year which has all my characters. I miss them.

So TUNA ended at the end of December and I promptly hightailed it up to Minneapolis for three weeks to perform some concerts with the Minnesota Orchestra. It was SOOOOOOO great being back "home" for a while. I stayed with my best friend, Kersten, who has a 4 month old baby named Jack who I completely fell in love with. We formed an incredible bond while I was much so that I nearly stuck him in my suitcase to bring him home with me. some of the best laid didn't quite work out. Regardless, I learned how hard being a parent is. I was exhausted and all I did was hold him when he was crying. I let Kersten remain on diaper duty. More than anything, it was great getting to spend that much time with Kersten. I don't see her often enough. This is my favorite picture of me and Jack. We both decided to grow mustaches while I was there. They were wildly popular

The concerts with the orchestra were a lot of fun. I got to work with a lot of my old friends and made some new ones as well. I really do miss Minneapolis. It's such a great city. However...I'd forgotten how ridiculously cold it gets there. One day the TEMPERATURE was -30. I'd forgotten how that bitter cold makes your nose hairs freeze the second you walk outside. But cold or not, I had a great time.
Now I'm back in KC and gearing up for my next gig which is a new musical called WINESBURG, OHIO at the Kansas City Repertory Theatre. I'm excited for this project. I have a great part that I'm really looking forward to. I really like the music. AND...I can ride my bike to work. Do I still have a bike? I'll have to check.
That's it really. I have to go to bed now because George is having her teeth cleaned tomorrow morning and she has to be there by 8:30. I hate mornings. I promise I'll try to be more diligent with my blogging responsibilities.